Celebrating differences

ITHAKA is dedicated to creating a culture that values, respects, and celebrates differences — for each other and for the communities we serve.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion impact

  1. Pay equity

    Pay equity

    Syndio, a market leader in pay equity solutions, conducted ITHAKA’s first pay equity analysis in October 2021. The analysis confirmed that there is no systemic, statistically significant bias in pay by gender or race at ITHAKA.

  2. Diversity and Equity Committee

    Diversity and Equity Committee

    We instituted a Diversity and Equity Committee that works to create and sustain an inclusive and equitable environment for staff, our partners, and everyone we interact with.

  3. Affinity groups

    Affinity groups

    ITHAKA has formed affinity groups for staff to connect with those who share a similar identity and to provide a safe space to share their experiences. Our affinity groups currently include: POC, Black Employees, Women Managers, 40+, Women in Tech, LGBTQIA+, Persons with Disabilities, and Immigration.

Our make up

We believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace enriches our perspectives, drives innovation, and fosters a sense of belonging for all. We know there is work to be done to improve representation among our staff, and transparency is key in our commitment to continuous improvement.


Race and ethnicity

Our projects


The JSTOR Access in Prison Initiative is one-quarter of the way to meeting its goal of 1 million people who are incarcerated with access to JSTOR by the end of the year. On March 1, 2023, the Tennessee prison system went live with full JSTOR in 
its prisons.

Our projects


Portico is establishing participation sponsorships to help residents of low- and middle-income countries attend the September 2023 iPres digital preservation conference hosted by the University of Illinois. These will ensure a more diverse global constituency at this important conference, and will encourage broader participation and greater representation in the digital preservation community.

Our projects


In December 2022, Ithaka S+R shared its contribution to ITHAKA’s DEI work in the communities it serves by publishing three papers: Leading by Diversifying Collections, Art Museum Staff Demographic Report, The Black Trustees Alliance 2022 Art Museum Trustee Survey.

Voices from our staff

Schucha Grover
Associate Director of UI Engineering
“I work with the smartest and kindest people with a deep social consciousness who are committed to our philanthropic mission.”

– Schucha Grover

Dennis Chiang
Lead Systems Engineer
“Now I have the latitude to complete projects on my own, and feel good about the trust that exists between myself, my team, and the wider organization.”

– Dennis Chiang

Miriam W. Saleem
Director, Technology Services
“I have the privilege to work with talented, dedicated individuals who care about the organization’s success and its mission. It’s been a very rewarding experience.”

– Miriam W. Saleem

Change comes through intentional efforts to reshape one’s behaviors and one’s environment. It is not an initiative, but a way of showing up in the world and through small day-to-day actions by individuals, making ITHAKA a place where everyone belongs.
Kevin Guthrie
ITHAKA President
Embrace the beauty of diversity, for within its tapestry lies the strength of humanity’s unity. Let us celebrate our differences, illuminate the path of inclusivity, and weave a future where every voice is heard, and everyone feels a sense of belonging.
Angela Pearson
Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion