ITHAKA offers a range of products and services, including the collections, products and payment options as described below. Your participation shall be subject to your Institutional Participation Agreement, including the Terms and Conditions of Use referenced therein, payment of applicable fees, and the below terms as may be updated by ITHAKA. All fees for JSTOR may be subject to tiering pursuant to the classification tiers applicable to a specific product or service. All payments will be made in United States dollars, in an amount such that, after deduction for any taxes, assessments or charges levied, assessed or imposed that you, ITHAKA or any other party may be required to pay or withhold in connection with such amount, the remainder actually received by ITHAKA is the amount invoiced by ITHAKA. All payments will be made by credit card or check or by mutually acceptable form of wire transfer.

The following shall apply only if you have elected to license the applicable product or service:


Archive: The fee for Archive Collections is comprised of an Annual Access Fee (“AAF”, a periodic payment covering Institutional Licensee’s access to the JSTOR Archive). The AAF is subject to reasonable annual increases upon renewal of the Agreement. Based on your institution’s level of JSTOR participation, your institution may also be eligible in JSTOR’s discretion to either: (1) pay a one-time fee per collection or (2) acquire access to a full collection inclusive of all JSTOR Archive Collections Content and Primary Source Materials by agreeing to pay a percentage increase on your current total AAF (or a minimum AAF for new JSTOR participants) each year until the AAF reaches an agreed upon amount (such percentage and final amount to be set by JSTOR in its discretion and subject to adjustment based on changes to Institutional Licensee, including but not limited to, the number of users, mergers, or other corporate changes). You may select any payment option for which you may be eligible. You may also elect to add access for your institution’s alumni through a secure portal or via an authenticated web site by paying an additional 10% of the total AAF (or other percentage set by JSTOR to better reflect the usage by your alumni relative to your other Authorized Users or otherwise upon reasonable notice).In recognition of the important archival function provided by JSTOR, should you terminate access to a JSTOR collection, your institution may resume access to that collection and all content subsequently added to that collection at any time through payment of only the AAF (and any outstanding prorated installments of ACF).

Books at JSTOR: You may acquire access to titles in Books at JSTOR through one of the following programs:

(1) on a title-by-title basis;

(2) you may elect to participate in the Demand Driven Access program (“DDA”) wherein your Authorized Users will be able to use a selected Book prior to payment until use of that title reaches a threshold set by JSTOR (which it may amend from time to time). Once the threshold is reached, a purchase of ongoing access to that title in a perpetual access model will be automatically triggered at the then-current price. Fees for such purchase of ongoing access will be paid through a method established between JSTOR and an agent vendor (with the understanding that access to the relevant Books will be suspended if JSTOR does not receive payment within thirty (30) days);

(3) you may elect to participate in the Evidence Based Acquisition program (“EBA”) by placing an appropriate amount of funds (as determined by JSTOR in its discretion) in escrow in order to access backlist titles from publishers participating in EBA. Such funds shall be held in a non-interest bearing account, may only be spent on EBA, and will only be withdrawn as stated in this paragraph. Access will begin from the time you transfer funds through the end of an EBA cycle then in effect (such cycle time periods to be set by JSTOR in its discretion, not to exceed a period of one year (“EBA Cycle”)). 75% of the total funds will be held for the purpose of acquisition of ongoing access of individual Books in a perpetual access model (“Acquisition Funds”) and 25% will be deducted by the last day of each EBA Cycle as an access fee to support revenue for participating publishers (“Access Fee Funds”). No later than thirty (30) days prior to the end of an applicable EBA Cycle, JSTOR will provide a report of your usage of the EBA Titles. You will have two weeks from provision of the usage report to spend the Acquisition Funds to acquire ongoing access to select Books in a perpetual access model (as close to $0.00 as possible with amounts less than $50 will be added to the Access Fee Funds). You may either manually select Books by timely providing a list or JSTOR will use the Acquisition Funds to acquire access to the titles with the highest level of usage during the applicable EBA period (“Selection Methods”). Consortia may participate on behalf of their members either by directing JSTOR to evenly allocate a single pool of funds evenly across all Institutional Licensee members for the purpose of acquiring access to the same Books across such members (with prices multiplied accordingly) or (ii) by having such members contribute individual amounts for custom acquisition of Books by each Institutional Licensee member for their Authorized Users (with the understanding that in either case the Selection Methods will apply). You may transfer additional appropriate funds by the start date of the next EBA Cycle to continue participation for another EBA Cycle or withdraw in which case access to non-acquired Books will cease; or

(4) you may elect to participate in the Path to Open funding model pilot (“Path to Open”) by paying an annual fee to access a collection of Books that will be access limited until the January three calendar years following the addition of the Book to JSTOR (“Limited Access Period”). For example, a Book added as part of Path to Open in 2023 will have a Limited Access Period until January 2026. After such Limited Access Period, the Books will be available in an open access model. Each year JSTOR, in collaboration with the participating publishers, will add a minimum number of current Books to the Path to Open collection and you will have access in each calendar year in which you pay the annual fee (with access for the remainder of that calendar year commencing upon payment of the fee). For the purpose of clarity, JSTOR is commencing Path to Open as a pilot in 2023 (with institution access anticipated to start in Fall 2023) through 2026 but JSTOR may not commence or cease the Path to Open program if i) it does not receive a minimum amount of publishers and/or Books participating; ii) it does not have a minimum number of institutions subscribing to the program; or iii) if it does not maintain such minimum participation or otherwise does not find the program effective or sustainable following the pilot. Should JSTOR not continue the Path to Open program following the pilot, all Books previously included in the program will be made available in an open access model in 2027.

Access to Books at JSTOR shall also be subject to an annual platform fee unless such fee is waived by JSTOR under conditions it may set and update from time to time. If you are located outside the United States and Canada, complete payment of fees for a selected title shall be required before your institution receives access to that title.

Artstor Collection: The fee for Artstor Collection (also referred to as Artstor Digital Library) is an Annual Access Fee (“Artstor AAF”, a periodic payment covering Institutional Licensee’s access to the Artstor Collection). The Artstor AAF is subject to reasonable annual increases upon renewal of the Agreement.

Shared Collections and JSTOR Software: You may choose to become a Shared Collection Contributor (as defined in the JSTOR Terms and Conditions of Use) by paying an annual service fee (ASF) and publishing your collections to the JSTOR platform using self-service tools that allow for customization of the landing page for their Shared Collection Content; importation and uploading of metadata, uploading of media (with possible limitations on the form of media shared), and publishing to the JSTOR platform up to a storage limit set by JSTOR. The amount of ASF shall be determined by JSTOR in its discretion accounting for the size and profile of the Shared Collection Contributor.

In addition, you may choose to license access to JSTOR Software for an annual fee. JSTOR Software Licensees may access JSTOR Software tools for cataloging and management of digital collections and the ability to publish to certain third party web site publishing targets subject to the JSTOR Terms and Conditions of Use.

A Shared Collection Contributor and/or JSTOR Software Licensee may also choose to pay an additional fee for add-on services to further expand the capacity of the self-service tools and/or JSTOR Software, including but not limited to, additional storage and addition of complex media formats (such as audio and video). A Shared Collection Contributor and/or JSTOR Software Licensee may also pay an additional fee for JSTOR’s assistance in harvesting collections, specifically directing JSTOR to harvest their collections from a designated target or website. Shared Collection Contributor and/or JSTOR Software Licensee agrees and acknowledges that JSTOR will only harvest designated content from designated locations at their direction, with the assistance of automated tools, such that JSTOR will not review the content coming through this process.

Shared Collection Contributor or JSTOR Software Licensee may choose to contribute their Shared Collection Content, portions thereof, or additional collections thereto to the Portico preservation services (“Preserved Collections”). Preserved Collections shall be subject to separate terms and fees agreed upon between you and Portico.

Should a Shared Collection Contributor request to completely withdraw their Shared Collection Content or a JSTOR Software Licensee terminate their license to use JSTOR Software, Shared Collection Content published or made available on an ITHAKA platform shall be removed or deleted within 3 months (with the understanding that ITHAKA may retain, but not display, distribute, or perform, server copies of the Shared Collection Content published to its platforms that has been removed or deleted). Shared Collection Contributors acknowledge that upon termination portions of their Shared Collection Content downloaded or printed out by an Authorized User from the JSTOR platform may continue to be used in compliance with these Terms and Conditions. JSTOR Software Licensees who have contributed collections to third party publishing targets and who wish to remove its content from such third party website will need to make a direct request to the Additional Publishing Target as JSTOR has no authority to remove or delete content published to a third party website outside of JSTOR’s control.

Participation in Portico shall be subject to an Annual Archive Support Payment (AAS) paid by Licensee to support the Portico archive. Licensee shall pay a separate AAS for each content type within the Archive, including but not limited to e-journals and e-books. The AAS shall be based on the Licensee’s total Library Materials Expenditure (LME) for the then most recently-completed fiscal year and the content type(s) supported within the Archive (see Licensee shall receive an annual invoice payable within thirty (30) days of the date of invoice for applicable AAS and any late payments may be subject to a late fee of 1.5% per month. All payments under this Agreement shall be exclusive of taxes. The AAS may be subject to reasonable annual increases.